Visual Crash Studio (VCS) is a unique tool for crash analysis at the pre-design stage of vehicle development. The advantage of the VCS software is the possibility of making independent calculations at various stages of the modeling. Initial analyses refer to the cross-sectional level of the model. Subsequent calculations can be performed as each sub-assembly of the structure is developed. In the case of a simple model, calculation time should not exceed several dozen seconds. For complex design, the time required for calculation should not exceed several minutes. In consequence, the Visual Crash Studio environment enables constant and quick verification of the model until the final simulation of the complete assembly is achieved.
VCS specific workflow characterized by a simplified modeling method assures easy application of design modifications. The approach of parallel modeling and analysis is most suitable for the VCS workflow. The efficiency of such a line of a design process is insured due to the short computation time (seconds to minutes compared to hours in FE solvers). In consequence, VCS is recommended to be used in the pre-design stage of product development, where the possibility of fast verifications and adjustments of the designed structure is essential.
Visual Crash Studio does not compete with FE methodology solvers but complements them. It gives the possibility to develop, verify and optimize a vehicle concept with accurate crash analysis at the early stage of the structure development process, thus avoiding time and cost–consuming major modifications in later stages of vehicle development. VCS calculation model can emerge from scratch or be based on detailed data obtained from FEM solvers.
Constantly growing crash safety requirements enforce the implementation of various strategies in vehicle body design. Test procedures involve laboratory experiments as well as numerical simulations.

One of the practical examples of using Visual Crash Studio can be the strength testing of the B-Pillar, where the bending response of the assembly is checked. One of the most significant challenges faced by the engineers is to reduce the mass of the part and at the same time fulfill crash requirements. The MEM can be implemented in such a design process on two levels.
FE model

MEM model

The computation time at the 2D level typically takes less than a fraction of a second on a standard PC. As a result, once the calculations are performed, user automatically receive outputs in several blocks along with basic plots representing axial, bending, and torsion responses. If needed, the output scope can be extended to obtain additional parameters and plots by making the appropriate settings.

Please visit the (VCS – manual) section for detailed information about using Visual Crash Studio.
Please visit (VCS – tutorial) section for additional training resources, use cases and tips on the capabilities of Visual Crash Studio.
Please feel welcome to share with us all your comments and suggestions. We will try to meet your expectations in the future versions of VCS software.
Agata Abramowicz Sokoll- Impact Design Europe